Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

Stealth Of Permissions

Stealth of permissions is a collection of children's creative band sman 95 jakarta.stealth of permissions mean that concealed permit, we take the word is because we played without the permission of people although many people didn't like our band.Our band brought the genre of metalcore, screamo.
This band stands on the 11th of November 2009 which was built by Doni, anom, humaedi, sigit, and nazu,
Doni: guitar
anom: guitar
humaedi: drums
sigit: bass
nazu: scream vocals
on the way our band to replace personnel, sigit left the band and was replaced by hendra. hendra entry after many changes in our band a lot of personnel who switch places. Our band is back in residence personnel Doni who drop out from the stealth of permissions and joined another band (euphoria hiplead synth)
and now we walked only four of the formation:
nazu: scream vocals
anom: bass
humaedi: drums
hendra: guitar, clean vocals.
keep support us stealth army

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